
Joe Frantz

Senior Executive Advisor

Joe Frantz recently retired from Range Resources Corporation where he was improving production and/or reducing costs, supporting the company recruiting, retention, training and career development of the engineering staff, and ensuring consistent communication and transparency across the company in technology areas.

Prior to this position, Joe was VP of Engineering and responsible for the Completions and Water Groups, the Production Operations and Facilities Construction Groups, and the Completions, Production, Facilities, and Reservoir Engineering Departments. Before Range, Joe was President and CEO of Unbridled Energy, an oil and gas exploration company. He started his career with Getty Oil/Texaco where he worked in the drilling, completion, production, and reservoir departments. In between working for operators, he was a consultant with S.A. Holditch & Associates and then Schlumberger DCS where he led their shale recon team. Joe participated in the Marcellus Shale Coalition and was Chair of the Drilling, Completion, Facility, and Production Committee and the Research Collaborative Committee.

Joe serves on the Board of the United Way of Washington County, the GEMS Board at Penn State, and recently completed his Board Role for the Society of Petroleum Engineers as a Regional Director. Joe graduated in 1981 with a B.S. in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering from Pennsylvania State University and is a Registered Professional Engineer. He has authored and co-authored numerous industry papers. Joe recently opened Frantz & Associates to perform executive-level consulting for the oil and gas industry.

Joe is an avid golfer, hunter and two time SPE Distinguished Lecturer. He’s also kept busy in his roles as a husband, as the father of two daughters and as grandfather to his two little buddies.

Joe's posts

What ‘company culture’ means to us

We recently held our annual company retreat. This is an important event because we are a fully remote company, and it gives us the chance to get together in-person and spend quality time. This year, we did the retreat in Houston, following URTeC and our annual symposium. We visited Space Center Houston, went to an Astros game, and ate BBQ and Tex-Mex. As a Houston native, I picked some of my favorite things to do in town! We also held a meeting on ‘company culture.’ I asked the group – how do you perceive our company culture? What do we do well, and what could we do better? Here are the highlights.

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Horizontal hydraulic fractures in shales: are they real?

In ResFrac, we are always challenging ourselves—what should we be doing better? What new capabilities should we add to the simulator? One of our newest projects is adding horizontal fracture propagation. Under most conditions, hydraulic fractures form vertically, not laterally. However, in specific circumstances, horizontal fractures develop. Sometimes, they form in addition to vertical fractures, and sometimes, they form exclusively without any vertical fractures. Horizontal fracture propagation has not conventionally been included in commercial hydraulic fracturing simulators, but we think this is a capability well-worth developing.

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Previewing the Seven(!) ResFrac Papers to be Presented at the Unconventional Resources Technology Conference

Next week, ResFrac will be coauthoring seven papers at the Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC). These papers include: operator case studies in the Haynesville, Marcellus, and Bakken, a study quantifying the effect of proppant uniformity on production and economics, a new procedure generalizing the Devon Quantification of Interference (DQI) method, and an excellent paper by a University of Texas PhD student on proppant flowback.

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Meet the ResFrac team

Learn why both independents and supermajors trust ResFrac
